Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Adapt Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” for Film

The two existing adaptations of Herman Melville’s short story â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener,† released in 1970 and 2001, show two legitimate interpretations of this dense, strange story. The 1970 version, starring John McEnrey as Bartleby, elects to prioritize the drabness of Bartleby’s laconic take on life in its color palette and generally dreary atmosphere. The more recent adaptation, starring Crispin Glover in the titular role, is more comic and, in the parlance of our times, â€Å"screwball† in its portrayal of office life.Such an interpretation seems closer to the text for me: while Melville’s story is profoundly sad, this sadness is not a uniform, blanketing affect, falling like Joyce’s snow over the living and the dead, but the failure of even comedy to overcome the characters’ alienation from themselves and each other. Melville’s tale is strange, and as such it calls for a strange adaptation to make it fit on the silver screen. What continues to be amiss in these adaptations is that Melville’s story is about misunderstanding Bartleby, yet both adaptations aim to understand Bartleby.The pathos of the tale, which in its literary form instantiates itself in the relationship between the reader and the text, is lost when a film version purports to offer mimetic verity. The reader of â€Å"Bartleby† is made to feel that she has missed something, that there is some clue to the secret of Bartleby and â€Å"Bartleby† that has been overlooked and which would resolve the pervading feeling of dislocation. In a crude sense, Bartleby represents the very incapacity of language to say what it means to say–that it always says too much and too little, and that even a simple mantra like â€Å"I prefer not to† can become opaque if we look too closely.Any interpretation of â€Å"Bartleby† will fall into this trap to some extent, of offering a definition of what is essentially n ebulous. To circumvent this problem, I propose the same tactic that Melville employs in his framing of â€Å"Bartleby. † Rather than focusing on the titular character, the film should focus on the story’s narrator, the lawyer who will become Bartleby’s boss. After all, what we learn from reading this story is that a name does not tell us who someone is, but misdirects us into the illusion of knowledge.The word â€Å"Bartleby† remains an enigma, and the attached epithet–†the Scrivener†Ã¢â‚¬â€œfurther obscures the â€Å"real† Bartleby that this story invites us to seek. Bartleby’s job as a scrivener is seemingly the least interesting, unique, or existentially relevant fact to know about him, and yet this is what we are misled by the title into defining him by. The narrator, on the other hand, is unnamed throughout. While Bartleby is anomic in the existential sense, he does at least have a name.The narrator, who generally fit s in well with the boring injustice of his socio-economic position, is anomic in that he does not have a name. If â€Å"Bartleby† is in some way a cultural critique, and it is hard not to think so, then this is the man who we should focus on to make him claim a name for himself. Bartleby’s name gives the reader and and people around him a false sense of knowledge of him, as does his identification as â€Å"scrivener†Ã¢â‚¬â€œas if a rote task could actually define him. The weapon of naming should be turned back on the class who is entitled to wield it.Giving a name to the narrator is not the solution to this problem, as that would repress the whole issue of the name. Instead, the film should be framed as an implicit challenge to the narrator to find his name and reveal it, to pick a fixed location in the world of words where he can be found and confronted. (This is similar to the protocol of protesters who ask for police badge numbers so that there is accountabil ity for police actions. ) This need not be an overtly or clumsily militant film.The demand that the narrator name himself cannot be proclaimed literally by the film without adding an additional interlocutor, perhaps the filmmaker as documentarian, and this would only redouble the economy of the shield of namelessness. This would almost be worse, since it would decenter the mechanism of namelessness from the dominant class–where it can at least be located to some extent in the sole nameless character of the narrator–and make it into a roving weapon for all parties vying for power. Rather, we should remember that film can function without gimmickry as a demand for characters to name themselves.The characters in Little Miss Sunshine are all suffering from disparate types of personal flux and the film comes to a conclusion when they are able to define themselves through their relationship as a family. What we have here are actually two forms of social policing that need to be clearly articulated for the purposes of effective translation between literature and film. Literature operates in the domain of words, and so its dominant procedure is naming; film operates in the domain of image (as well as sound, but the eye is the vastly dominant organ for human perception) and its dominant procedure is the gaze.So while Melville’s text puts pressure on the narrator to reveal his name if he truly wants to be Bartleby’s comrade, rather than his patron, we need to switch methods for film adaptation and focus the gaze on the narrator. Simply by looking at him we pose the film question analogous to revealing his name. Appropriately enough, an excellent example of this technique can be found in the television show The Office. The character Michael Scott, a low level manager played by Steve Carell, is shown to be a buffoon just by showing him.With different editing–removing his gaffes, inappropriate pauses and laughter, and the apathetic and un inspired responses of the employees he manages–he could appear to be confident and in control. The persistence of looking determines the difference in social perception. I would support using a camera technique similar to that of The Office in which camera movement between characters often supplants cuts so as to give the effect of the camera belonging to a person in the room.This technique would not be used quite as aggressively as on The Office–characters in my version of â€Å"Bartleby† would not look or speak directly into the camera, nor would there be out of sequence cuts to characters’ interviews or commentary. A mobile camera, both moving between characters during dialogue, and following characters when they are walking, would help to prevent this from becoming a visually boring adaptation (a dangerous temptation for a movie about people stuck inside doing repetitive labor).At the same time, this camera technique would also reveal that this place and this job are boring. Cuts to close-ups obscure the alienation of the figure in his office landscape and falsely re-face persons who professional context de-faces. Coupling this camera technique with the above mentioned preference for showing the narrator and ignoring Bartleby would add an extra layer of visual intrigue, even suspense, as Bartleby would only appear sporadically, incidentally, contingent on his relevance to other characters.Although I would not want to entirely mimic the cinematography of The Office, one thematic element that informs both the style of the television show and my production of â€Å"Bartleby† is the camera as confessional. The demand for a name as the opening for confession creates a stylistic tension: on the one hand, to depict a figure against its ground asks for a wide angle shot that minimizes the proportion of character to environment; on the other hand, the visual poetics of the confession work best when the face of the individual is hi ghly legible.This legibility is one of the oldest criteria of the confession. Without being able to read the face, the veracity of the confession is uncertain; it might be a feint. So when the narrator is interacting with other characters, we would use a wide shot that would pan between them as they took turns speaking, catching Bartleby almost by accident in the marginal, in-between-space, that happens to exist within the zone of the camera’s movement. When the narrator is agonizing over his problematic relationship with Bartleby, the job of the camera is to listen closely and to watch him closely.The internal monologue, the narration as heard/read by the reader, would be performed as spoken monologues that provide dramatic action during the actionless life of the narrator–as he walks the streets of New York or sits at his desk. To reinforce Bartleby’s marginalization, these internal monologues (in Melville’s text) could be performed in Bartleby’s presence to emphasize his non- or quasi-existence. As far as color palette, a unified scheme would help to portray â€Å"Bartleby† as a story about analyzing a single form of consciousness, and hence not guided by the mimetics of realism.Heavy monochromaticism through tinting the film stock is a bit too heavy handed. I think a very light use of a gray-scale filter would be beneficial, but to really capture the horror of â€Å"Bartleby† the muted light and gray-scale lifestyle should be immanent in the mise en scene and costuming. By dressing all the characters and their surroundings in similar colors their alienation is made apparent by the absurdity of them all appearing like chameleons in a colorless environment.Turkey, Ginger Nut, and Nippers, Bartleby’s co-workers, have powerful distinguishing traits that Melville comically exaggerates, and these caricatured personalities appear best against an equally caricatured ground. With everything draped in unending gray, small colorful details could easily mark the personality of these character–as well as marking how ludicrous it is to think that personhood can be signified by the single note characteristics that Melville uses to mark these apart.The soundscape of this film would take after the blurred, mechanically processed effects of Jacques Tati’s Playtime. This would help to take the magic out of Bartleby’s somewhat famous mantra, â€Å"I would prefer not to. † Nothing would be worse than for a fetishist of Melville to be waiting breathlessly for the story’s catch phrase, to construe this refusal of everything (including refusal) as a catchphrase. The narrator does not truly pay attention to Bartleby when he first begins to defer activity because this deferral is virtually unthinkable.In the manner of the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis, refusal to participate in capitalism almost conceptually impossible for the narrator to process. Bartleby’s proclamatio n originates almost entirely out of mind, sight, and hearing. But as the narrator is forced to notice that work is not being done, he and the directionality of the microphones close in on the source of the trouble. Bartleby is saying something very strange: he would prefer not to.In giving attention to Bartleby’s speech it is important to register his words as they occur to/within the consciousness of the narrator. The audio is not supposed to suddenly begin listening to Bartleby as if he is a messianic figure (as he has been construed in the past) but to take note that his deferral has become a (troubling) object of thought for the narrator. The narrator’s responses would always be louder than Bartleby’s words, except when he is repeating them to himself later, fitfully.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dalit Empowerment in India Essay

Dalits movement for empowerment started way back during second half of the nineteenth century with reformatory efforts to uplift the backward groups of Indian society, especially ‘Dalits’. Later on, it turned into seeking state intervention and generating the idea of paying special attention to Dalits/untouchables. Dalits/Untouchables have been described as â€Å"The oppressed of the oppressed and lowest of the low†, who have not been benefited from the opening up of modern economic, social, political and cultural opportunities. It is said say that at present, millions of people, belonging to Dalit community have been the victims of discrimination, violence, exploitation, untouchability, poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, other hate crimes and consequential disabilities for a very long time. They are treated as lesser human beings. Dalit’s movement for empowerment was initiated by non-Brahmins of South India. It had economic and social thrusts. It demanded education and land for backwards and freedom from caste rigidities. Some economically strong but educationally backward non-Brahmins groups resisted the hold of Brahmins on land, wealth, jobs in government and education. Access of modern education to all and spree of Reform Movements of early 19th century led anti Brahmin currents to gain momentum. By the end of the 19th century, it turned into a political movement. Non-Brahmin leaders, supported by other backward communities – Muslims, Indian Christians, untouchables and tribals, desired to secure a place for themselves in modern callings, to obtain legal rights and position of power through govt.’s intervention. They succeeded in fixing up quotas for them in the state Government jobs. During 1874 and 1885, Mysore state reserved 20% of middle and lower level jobs in the police department for Brahmins and 80% for Muslims, Non-Brahmins Hindus and Indian Christians. From Government jobs, it spread to educational field too, in order to prepare non-Brahmins for Government jobs. Around 1909, for the first time, the lowest strata of non-Brahmin Community or the service class, earlier known as Shudras, was conceptualized politically under the name of untouchables, when the Census Commissioner suggested excluding untouchables (comprising of about 24% of the Hindu Population and 16% of the total population at that time) from Hindu fold for forthcoming 1911 Census. The proposal had divided non-Brahmin Community into two Backwards and untouchables. Also, it had immediately increased the importance of untouchables in political circle, in social circle, and in their own eyes too. It had also made numbers important in taking political decisions. The suggestion to exclude untouchables from Hindu population was not acceptable to prominent National Hindu leaders at any cost, for whom continuous decline of the number of Hindu population had already been a matter of concern. Granting special electorate to Muslims had already weakened the National movement of Independence. They were concerned that such a proposal was made intentionally to divide Indians. That was a crucial point. Since then, the assertion of Dalit leaders has travelled a long distance and has passed through various stages. The whole of 20th century, especially the first and last two decades have been especially important for political empowerment of Untouchables/Dalits. Different terms have been used for Dalits at different points of time. Each one assumed importance, as Dalit movement has passed through various stages – ‘Shudras’, ‘Outcasts’ and ‘Panchamas’: Till the beginning of 20th Century, the lowest strata of Hindu Community were known as Shudras, Panchamas or outcastes. Existence of Shudras (at present referred as untouchables/Dalits) was recognized, as early as, Pre Mauryan Period (6th century BC to 3rd century BC). Though given a lower status, they were always an integral part of Hindu society. In ancient India, Shudras performed essential social and economic tasks as well as in agricultural sector. Segregation of lower castes in Hindu Society was not based on economic status or their incapability to do any intellectual work, but on cultural grounds – unclean habits, in-disciplined life style, speaking foul and abusive language etc. Conquered groups or individuals, groups engaged in menial or unclean occupations, groups clinging to the practices, which were not considered respectable, persons born illegitimately or the groups engaged in anti-social activities were treated as Shudras and were given lowest status in the society. Breaking the caste rules meant loss of caste, meaning complete ostracism or having no place in the society. Permanent loss of caste – out-caste- was considered to be the greatest catastrophe for an individual, short of death penalty. By the beginning of Christian era, the out-castes themselves developed caste hierarchy and had their own out-castes. In Western and Southern parts of India, they were kept outside the four Varnas. In the Northern and Eastern parts of India, they were very much belonged to fourth Varna â€Å"Shudra†, which was divided into two parts pure or non-excluded and excluded or untouchables. In ancient India all the social groups were placed more or less as a series of vertical parallels. All of the people living in a local area, whether high or low were bound together by economic and social ties and had a strong bond of mutual dependence. They cared and supported each other in fulfilling different kind of their needs. Socially, Shudras were supposed to do all sorts of menial work and serving the upper castes of the three Varnas. Respect to a person or group was never given on the basis of material success or control of power. There was hardly any room for any section of society to consider itself, as being placed in greater or lesser disadvantageous position with reference to another. Concept of forwards or backwards or feeling of exploitation of lower strata by upper castes was almost non-existent at that time. Many studies have shown that Hindu system always kept masses reconciled, if not contended in the past. Hindu Dharma taught the people that instead of holding others responsible, for all their sufferings, exploitation and miseries it was their own â€Å"Adharma† (immoral behaviour), â€Å"Alasya† (laziness) and Agyan (ignorance) which were to be blamed. It never prevented Shudras or others to rise in the scale of society or to earn respect of the society. In many parts of the country, people belonging to lower strata held position of power/superior status or earned respect of Hindu society. Many warrior kings of Shudra and tribal origin sought Brahmins’ help to acquire Kshatriyas status for themselves. Many Shudras were accepted and revered as philosophers or spiritual teachers. All troubles of lower strata of society started after the downfall of Hindu Raj and old Hindus values. Continuous invasions by Turks, Afghans and Mughals who earlier drained out the wealth of the nation to foreign lands and afterwards made India their homeland and ruled the country for centuries. Feudalistic attitude, extravagance and luxurious life style of rulers and those at the helm of authority, increased the disparity between the rulers and the ruled. Therefore, it can be said that it was not out of malice, but the circumstances, which has pushed Shudras away from the mainstream. The low status and sufferings of Shudras or their exclusion from the mainstream for centuries has gradually stopped growth of their personality and made them completely dependent on others for their livelihood. Centuries old enslavement, ignorance, suppression and ostracism shook their confidence, deteriorated severely their condition and made them to suffer inhuman treatment by other sections of the society. Depressed Class: During the nineteenth Century, in official circles lower castes were addressed as ‘Depressed classes or ‘Exterior classes. British government in India regarded these people as ‘Oppressed of the oppressed and lowest of the low’. Missionaries were trying to convert this section of society into Christianity. British rulers passed many Legislative regulations and administrative orders and declared denial of access to untouchables to schools, well, roads and public places as illegal. Till now, untouchable activities were combined with the intermediate castes’ non- Brahmin movement. But now all these developments inspired them to enter into the political arena under the name of â€Å"depressed class† and desired to a share in political power separately in India. Harijans: The attempt of British rulers in 1911 to exclude untouchables from Hindu population and continuous decline of number of Hindus cautioned the national leaders. In order to retain their Hindu identity, Gandhiji and his followers called them Harijans meaning the â€Å"people belonging to god†. On one hand, Gandhiji tried to create compassion in the hearts of forward communities for Harijans and on the other he appealed to Harijans to observe cleaner habits, so that they could mix up freely with other sections of society. Dalit leaders did not like the word Harijan as it symbolized a meek and helpless person, at the mercy and benevolence of others, and not the proud and independent human being that they were. During this period, the attention of humanitarians and reformers was also drawn towards the pathetic condition of untouchables. They took the path of Sankritisation to elevate them. In order to prevent alienation of untouchables from Hindu community, they drew the attention of forward communities towards inhuman condition of lower strata of society and tried to create compassion in their hearts for downtrodden. They gave top most priority to the abolition of untouchability. They tried to clarify that Untouchability was neither an integral part of Hinduism nor an outcome of Varna/caste system, nor have any religious sanctity, but an external impurity and sinful blot on Hinduism. They laid emphasis on education, moral regeneration and philanthropic uplift. They also appealed to untouchables to observe cleaner habits, so that they could mix up with other sections freely and become proud and independent human beings, which they were. Untouchables By 1909, the lowest strata of Indian society came to be known as untouchables. Emergence of Dr.Ambedkar on the political scene provided the leadership and stimulus to untouchable movement. He insisted to address untouchables just as untouchables. He regarded the terms ‘Depressed classes’, ‘Dalits’, ‘Harijans’ either confusing or degrading and contemptuous. Dr.Ambedkar made it abundantly clear, ‘It was through political power that untouchables were to find their solution, not through acceptance by Hindus’. He gave untouchable movement a national character and a distinct identity during late twenties and early thirties. Other prominent Dalit leaders like Mahatma Phule, Ambedkar or Gopal Ganesh vehemently criticized Hindu hierarchical structure and regarded untouchability as an inevitable concomitant of Varna/caste system. They taught the lower castes to get united and make eradication of caste system their major plank as it engaged them to forced labour or unsavory jobs, imposed many restrictions on them and prevented them from joining the mainstream of the society. According to them, Hindus treated lower castes as lesser human beings, meek and helpless persons, who should always remain at the mercy and benevolence of upper castes. They tried to find the solution of their problems through political power, not through acceptance by Hindus. By 1920’s, numerous caste organizations, especially in the South and West, organized themselves into larger collectiveness by keeping contacts and alliances with their counterparts at other places; formed associations and federations at local and regional levels and emerged as a powerful political force. Together, they demanded special legal protection and share in politics and administration on the basis of caste. In 1928, Simon Commission established their separate identity at national level, independent of intermediate castes as untouchables. It readily accepted their demands through Communal Award of 1932. Gandhiji along with other National leaders regarded it as the â€Å"Unkindest cut of all†, which would create a permanent split in Hindu Society, perpetuate casteism and make impossible the assimilation of untouchables in mainstream. Dr.Rajendra Prasad said, â€Å"The principle of dividing population into communal groups, which had been adopted in the Minto Morely Reforms, had been considerably extended, even beyond what had been done by Montagu Chelmsford Reforms†¦.The electorate in 1919 was broken up into ten parts, now it is fragmented into seventeen unequal bits†¦ Giving separate representations to Schedule Castes further weakened Hindu community†¦ Th e British introduced every possible cross-division†. Untouchables in Independent India: After Second World War emergence of the concept of ‘welfare state’ swept the whole world. Independent India, as a civilized democratic society, considered it its humanitarian obligation to uplift and empower the submerged sections of society. The overwhelming poverty of millions belonging to lower strata of society and their near absence in echelons of power at the time of Independence has led the government to of India to intervene. The Constitution of India has directed the Government to promote social justice and educational, economic and other interests of the weaker sections with special care. It instructed the Government to remove the poverty and reduce inequalities of income and wealth and provide adequate representation to the downtrodden in power echelons through Affirmative Action Program/Reservation Policy. Public facilities, which were denied to untouchables so far, should be made accessible to them. The successive governments both at national as well as provincial levels initiated various Welfare Plans and Policies for employment generation and their social, economic and political growth from time to time. Dalits: Dalit, a Marathi word means suppressed. The term was chosen and used proudly by Ambedkar’s followers under the banner of various factions of Republican Party of India (Formed in 1956). The Mahars of Bombay (8%), Jatavs of UP (Half of the SC Population in UP) and Nadars and Thevars of Southern TN being numerically significant, played a decisive role in taking forward Dalit movement. Maharashtra Dalit movement has a longest and richest experience. In 1972, a distinct political party, in the name of Dalit Panther was formed in Maharashtra. It organized the lower castes under the banner of ‘Dalit’ throughout India. One of the founders of Dalit Panther, Mr.Namdeo Dhasal widened the scope of Dalit by including SC, tribes, neo-Buddhists, landless labour and economically exploited people. Its orientation was primarily militant and rebellious. Dalit Sahitya Movement legitimized and reinforced the use of the term Dalit. Since then, this term is very popular amongst the unto uchables. Earlier, a few leaders of untouchables had at least some regard for the cultural tradition of India. They did not reject Vedic literature or the foundations of Hinduism, out-rightly. Dr.Ambedkar accepted that all parts of Manusmiriti were not condemnable. Gopal Baba Walangkar had said that Vedas did not support untouchability. Kisan Fagoi, another Mahar leader of pre-Ambedkar era had joined Prarthna Samaj. But present Dalit leaders are vehemently against cultural traditions of India, which according to them, are based on inequality and exploitation. There is always a fear of upper caste or intermediate caste backlash. In mid sixties, an aggressive Dalit movement started under the banner of Shoshit Samaj Dal in Central Bihar, which has, presently, become a major center of Naxalite movement. Dal was founded by Jagdeo Mahto, who began to mobilize the lower castes against economic repression and exploitation of women by upper caste feudal elements. The new phase of Dalit assertion is most prominent in the most populous state of UP, where the upper caste domination has been challenged by BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party) formed in 1984 under the leadership of Kanshi Ram and Mayavati. They redefined Dalit politics especially in north India. Their approach to Dalit issues was more socio-political rather than economic. BSP has started pursuing power with militancy since 1990. Of late, BSP has made significant inroads in UP, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh. BSP has borrowed all their phraseology from Dalit Panthers. Most of their utterances are arrogant, revengeful and opportunistic. Political and economic vested interests of its leaders have aroused militancy among discontented youths of different castes and communities all over the nation. They care only for rights and pay scant attention to their duties. There started a cutthroat competition for scarce positions of power and prestige. Once again, the tendency of ‘divide and rule’, as was there during British domination, has emerged in national scenario. The growing desire of Dalits to rule has made them very sure of their friends and foes. Dalit leaders, even after so many years of Independence has identified Upper Castes as their enemy and intermediate castes sometimes as their friends and sometimes as their enemies. Kanshi Ram, a BSP leader initiated a formula of DS4, meaning Dalit Shoshit Samaj Sangarsh Samiti, taking into its fold untouchables, STs, Muslims and OBCs. OBC leaders also know that Dalit parties now control a large vote bank. Therefore, from time to time, they try to please Dalits leaders in order to increase their own political strength. But Dalits are in no mood to play a second fiddle to other national political parties. They are aware of their growing influence and crucial role as a kink-maker in today’s highly competitive and unstable political atmosphere. All the three major national political formations – Congress’s UPA BJP’s NDA and National Front – are wooing frantically Dalit leaders and competing with each other to have a pre or post poll alliance with them. Instead of demanding a share in power structure, equity or social justice, Dalits now want to reverse the power equation and to transform the society by capturing all political power. Their aim is to get hold over the posts of PM-CM (Political Power) through electoral politics and control over administrative authority – the bureaucracy – through Reservations/Affirmative Action Program. There is an elite section amongst Dalits, which protects its turf under the banner of Dalits at the cost of poorest of Dalits. It does not care much to bring Dalit masses into the mainstream. For some, presence and miseries of large number of Dalits is a recipe for Dalit vote-bank, for others enjoying all the benefits of affirmative action programs initiated and implemented by the Government of India and other concessions given to them. Whatever might be the condition of Dalit masses, but the political power and arrogance of Dalit leaders and intellectuals are at rise. And here lies the crux of Dalit politics. Dalits at International platform Dalits are not satisfied even after having growing influence in ballot-box politics and attaining enough places in the government jobs. Since 2001, these activists have been pushing the cause internationally arguing that Indian Dalits are like blacks in US till 1950. They faced problems in workplace, at school and in temples. In 2005, some Dalit leaders belonging to All India Confederation have sought intervention USA, UN and the British and EU Parliaments on the issues of ‘untouchability’. UN recognizes religion, race, language and gender as main causes of inequality in the world. Dalit activists want caste to be included too in this category. They desire to have Global alliance, global involvement and intervention of the international community to put pressure on the government of India to address the problem Dalit marginalization. They feel that globalization and privatization has made it difficult for Dalits, tribals and OBC’s to compete on equal footing or fi nd enough space in the job market within the country or abroad. At the behest of the Republican Congressman from New Jersey, Chris Smith, the US Congress had held a hearing on 6.10. 05 on the subject. A resolution on the issue – â€Å" India’s unfinished Agenda: Equality and Justice for 200 million victims of the caste system† was prepared by the house committee on International Relations and US Human Rights to be tabled in the US Congress. â€Å"Despite the Indian government’s extensive affirmative action policies, which aim to open government service and education to Dalits and tribes, most have been left behind by India’s increasing prosperity†¦. Much much more remains to be done.† The resolution says, â€Å"It is in the interest of US to address the problem of the treatment of groups outside the caste system†¦ in the republic of India in order to better meet our mutual economic and security goals†¦.† So far, intensive lobbying by Dalit groups including followers of Ravidass sect succeeded in getting passed the Equity Bill on March 24, 2010 in the House of Lords. It empowered the government to include ‘caste’ within the definition of ‘race’. In 2001, India was able in keeping caste out of the resolution adopted at 2001 Durban Conference. Along with it, staunch supporters of Human Rights, some Scandinavian countries, Church organisations around the world and Lutheran World Federation have shown interest and expressed their solidarity with Dalits. Recently the comment of UN Commissioner for human rights, Navipillay asking India that â€Å"time has come to eradicate the shameful concept of caste† and proposals of UN Human Rights Council’s or US based Human Rights Watch (HRW) to recognise caste as a form of discrimination ‘based on descent and birth’ appear not to be based on rational understanding of caste system. Their opinion about untouchability is greatly influenced by the lobbying of powerful/influential Dalit leaders and Dalit intelligentsia. No one knows where the Dalit assertion will lead the nation to? It is not the paternalistic policies, (which have failed to yield so far the desired results) that are required for the upliftment and empowerment of submerged sections of society, but there is need to educate, make them aware of their rights and duties, provide enough employment opportunities and other civic facilities like health etc at the grass root level for the sustainable growth of backward communities.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Individual learning portfoli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Individual learning portfoli - Essay Example I might not have thought of value judgments so seriously before. PUL has been designed to provide a holistic learning experience to the student at the university. It presupposes the all too important participation on the part of the student in this once-in-lifetime experience. However, it still reminds the student of the endless opportunities available to students for learning. Thus learning is a full lifetime experience. Individual students’ perception of university learning is determined by a number of factors such as cultural influences, socio-economic influences and personal attitudes. My own attitudinal perspectives on PUL are coloured by such factors as my own perception of individual liberty and economic status. The whole process of education at the university has been exceedingly rewarding and primarily reorienting. PUL has afforded me a vantage point in understanding the process of education. I might have deliberately avoided examining my inner feelings towards university education at the outset for the fear of exposing myself to prejudices of fellow students. PUL plays a pivotal role in awakening in students a desire for self-learning that promises a paradigmatic shift in attitude and individual experience. Despite a host of much hyped liberties in non-institutional environments of learning, the experience of such learning has little or no rewards. Thus, PUL as a subject provides the student with a much wider scope to embark on a pursuit of self-interest. There are some implications of such a program of study though. For instance, at times I happen to entertain qualms about the so called futuristic dimension of a subject that has more to do with university culture and environment. Personal predilections and positive or/and negative marginal propensities all play a major role in this sensitive issue. My own senses and sensibilities very rarely find a medium for expression. But PUL has provided me with that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Modern dance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern dance - Research Paper Example Modern dance is considered a synonym of contemporary dance. The two dances share ideological or aesthetical characteristics. The name is a dance term that is used to refer to a dance trend born in the 16th century and had lasted up to the 1950’s. The dance trend had its homes in Germany, the United States and some of the surrounding countries. In the 1920’s there was a passion for interpretive dancing sweeping America. Dancers and audiences alike had been introduced to a new form of theatrical dancing that was serious. Most of the groundwork had already been laid for the first generation of the modern dancers; they then began to develop the art to what we have presently today. Lester Horton attended early classes in ballet dancing together with the Native American dance. He did this at a school called Denishawn. In 1932, his first dance group appeared and over the two ensuing decades, the group became quite renowned. They had adopted an individual theatrical style and technique that had embraced the themes of the political and social protests as well as dressing. He choreographed projects that were commercial and created dances for the nineteenth film of Hollywood. Some companies such as Alvin American Dance Theater still teach his dancing style (Kassing79). At the end of World War II, the founders of the modern dance style had already produced a group of talented students whom they sent out to start their own dance styles. The great battle that has been fought over respectability and position of the modern dance style has been fought and won already. The second generation did not have to take their art or themselves with the seriousness that the founders had in the dance. Artists who were renown during the second generation of modern dance include artists such as pearl primus, Paul Taylor, Twyla Tharp and Josà © Limà ³n (Kassing 35). The artistic and social upheaval of the late 60’s and late 70 has signaled radical changes to modern dance. Today modern

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Contemporary issues in managing human resources Essay - 1

Contemporary issues in managing human resources - Essay Example As averred by Ferris, et al. (1999), â€Å"driven by a number of significant internal and external environmental forces, HRM has progressed from a largely maintenance function, with little if any bottom line impact, to what many scholars and practitioners today regard as the source of sustained competitive advantage for organizations operating in a global economy† (p. 385). Further, contemporary HRM issues include the more qualified term using strategic HRM as establishing the link towards monitoring the quality of employee performance. Another pervading concern of global organizations is the option for downsizing, specifically when external environmental pressures and competitive factors impinge on the decision-making process, to ensure survival and continued production and operation. In this regard, the current research aims to proffer issues in contemporary HRM, particularly focusing on downsizing. The objective is planned to be attained by initially defining relevant terms , such as HRM, strategic HRM, and downsizing. A concluding portion would highlight the significant issues discussed as supported by various authoritative sources from academic journals on the subject of HRM. Definition of Terms An examination of various definitions of HRM by authors, academicians, and management practitioners, shows more common elements than disparate concepts. After synthesizing these elements, the following definition is arrived at: HRM is the art and science of acquiring, motivating, maintaining, and developing people in their jobs in light of their personal, professional and technical knowledge, skills, potentials, needs and values and in synchronization with the achievement of individual, organization and society’s goals. HRM deals only with people so that they can manage the other resources within their domain of responsibilities more effectively. On the other hand, strategic human resources management (SHRM) is defined by Boxall and Purcell (2003) as à ¢â‚¬Å"concerned with explaining how HRM influences organisational performance. They also point out that strategy is not the same as strategic plans. Strategic planning is the formal process that takes place, usually in larger organisations, defining how things will be done. However strategy exists in all organisations even though it may not be written down and articulated. It defines the organisation’s behaviour and how it tries to cope with its environment.† Authors Boxall and Purcell examined the interrelationships and extent by which organizational goals are achieved and influenced by HRM. They differentiated HRM from SHRM by indicating that â€Å"HRM was defined as including â€Å"anything and everything associated with management of employment relations in the firm† (Boxall & Purcell, 2000, p. 184). The theoretical basis for the inclusion of the word strategic to HRM was detailed using a review of various literatures from scholars on the subject. Boxall and Purcell finally averred at this definition of SHRM as â€Å"concerned with the strategic choices associated with the use of labour in firms and with explaining why some firms manage them more effectively than others† (2000, p. 185). According to Miller (2001), â€Å"HRM could not be conceptualized as a stand-alone corporate issue† (p. 348). The inclusion of strategy was regarded as a necessary addition to incorporate marketing efforts to gain competitive advantage with effective use of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Governance in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Governance in Africa - Essay Example Dictatorship is one of the major governance issues attracting attention from researchers, sociologists, political scientists, unions, economists and other leaders from other parts of the world. African countries have been facing dictatorship ruling in governance since the end of colonization. The term dictatorship originated from the Latin word dictatura, meaning a dictation. Many writers have defined the dictatorship in different ways. For instance, according to Bobbio (1), dictatorship refers to a system of governance that result to exploitation of working population. Dictatorship refers to illegitimate form of governance. A general definition describes dictatorship as a governance system where absolute power is held by a small group of people or a dictator. All authority originates from a single person or a small group of people. The common form of dictatorship evidenced in several countries, in Africa is despotism dictatorship. In this form of dictatorship, a single entity of governance in the country exists with absolute power. The origin of dictatorship in Africa can be traced after the World War II. During the Second World War, many Africans were deployed and taken to war fields in different countries. These people gained experience and skills of fighting the Europeans. Later after they retrieved from war fields, they organized themselves in different ways to fight the Europeans in acquisition of independent. After African states became independent first leaders acquired absolute power over citizens and some became dictators. According to Brucker (1), African dictatorship originated as a form of violent rule in the first thirty years of African independence after the end of European colonization. However, the violent rule decreased in 1990s after a large number of African countries adopted democratic rul e. Some states are still under dictatorship rule up to date. A number of factors have

International economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International economics - Essay Example 47). Knowledge is renowned as one of the competent resources for active global business surroundings (Salvatore 2013, p. 48). Technology relocate is not a simple issue it has prospective to sway the political and financial kindred of countries also (Salvatore 2013, p. 48). Multinational companies are having an exceptional opportunity to relocate the new expertise to the developing countries (Salvatore 2013, p. 49). In fresh times the bond between the technologies conveys and foreign unswerving investment through multinational companies became vital plank of the concern in all global economics and economic augmentation debates (Salvatore 2013, p. 49). There are numerous means of technology relocate and mutual promote is derivative out of it for in cooperation the mounting states and the multinational companies (Marrewijk 2007, p. 28). Several of the aspects that have chief impact upon the information sharing means are firm characteristics, industrial distinctiveness and business repli cas (Marrewijk 2007, p. 29). During the preceding decade with the rising globalization gamut, foreign direct investments (FDI’s) are approaching to budding countries (Marrewijk 2007, p. 29). Multinational companies are competent of creating innovative jobs thereby causative to the expansion of prosperity and welfare of the area in meticulous (Marrewijk 2007, p. 30). ... 30). Establishment of multinational companies’ overlays way to the entrance of mounting nations into the global souk which helps it to appreciate the modern principles and commerce practices (Marrewijk. 2007, p. 30). Attracting multinational companies and thus improving the alien currency and alien direct investment is an enhanced option (Marrewijk 2007, p. 31). Brining loans from the nationwide expansion organizations, World Bank and extra organizations with lot many concords is difficult and as an alternative, it is easy to push multinational companies to endow (Marrewijk 2007, p. 32). Multinational companies are documented as powerful engines for profitable development than any other foundation (Marrewijk 2007, p. 33). Multinational companies perk up competitiveness in the rising nations by influencing little aspects such as funds, exports, capability/skill, technology and communications (Marrewijk 2007, p. 34). Transfer of expertise with synergistic effects are rooted in a chieving â€Å"reasonable compatible† goals amid low residential countries and multinational companies (Salvatore 2013, p. 55). With the WTO and GATT administration the entry of multinational companies became effortless even in the rising orthodox collectivist nation like China (Salvatore 2013, p.56). For every corporation and state technology and novelty are vital in brining competitive perimeter (Salvatore. 2013, p. 56). By liberalizing it is policies China is preparation to build it is expertise and modernization capacities through unfamiliar direct investments (Salvatore 2013, p. 56). The expertise transfer is completed by multinational companies via various methods, 1. Forward and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Robotic Surgery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Robotic Surgery - Research Paper Example drug administration for use in both pediatric and adult robotic surgery procedures in areas such as thoracoscopically-assited cardiotomy procedures, general non-cardiovuscular thoracosopic surgeries, general laparoscopic surgeries and urological surgeries (Lowes, 2014). The 1st federally approved robotic surgery was performed at a Virginia hospital, a day after the food and drug administration regulators approved the procedure. The approval of the 1st robotic surgery enabled the doctors to get rid of the gall bladder and conduct some other procedures through utilization of a laparoscope, which is a tube that in introduced into the abdomen through very tiny incisions. At the end of the tubes are miniature cameras and surgical instruments that permit surgeons to perform procedures after peering into the body. The AESOP system was approved in 1990 followed by the approval of da Vinci Surgery System in 2000. The approval of da Vinci surgical systems, a robotic system, by the Food and drug administration enabled doctors to use foot pedals on a console and hand grips to control three robotic arms that actually performs the laparoscopic surgery through utilization of a variety of tools. The approval was based on a review of clinical studies of effectivene ss and safety submitted by the manufacturers and on the recommendation of the plastic and general surgical devices panel of the Food and drug administration’s medical devices advisory committee. The food and drugs administration focused on various issues before approving the utilization of the robotic technology in surgery. Some of the obstacles faced by the robotic surgery in obtaining the approval of the FDAs included showing that the technology had more advantages than as compared to other forms of surgery. Other obstacles entailed ensuring that enough training was conducted to some of the physicians. Before approving the technology, the company that produced the da Vinci system had to sponsor sufficient testing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mitigating Toxic Leadership Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mitigating Toxic Leadership - Case Study Example Risk avoidance and risk reduction are the possible strategies that should be considered in helping the SVP, his employees, and the organization. Risk avoidance, according to Baker (2009) involves application of an alternative approach that eliminates a problem or its effects. Conflicting attitude from employees and clients identifies situational leadership approach that is yielding returns, though with employee turnover as a consequence. Introducing a management level between the SVP and his staff, while retaining the SVP’s direct contact with clients, is likely to eliminate the employees’ negative attitude, risk of high turnover, and its effects. Cost of employing the supervisor will be less than the long-term cost of recruiting and training employees and the negative image that the employees’ experience can have on the organization. Risk reduction, according to Boehm, Lane, Koolmanojwong, and Tuner (2014), involves lowering probability of risk occurrence and un derstanding the SVP’s expectations from his employees and training employees to meet the expectation is an example. This is better than recruitment and training of new employees but is relatively costly. The SVP’s strengths identify need for his retention in the organization. Risk avoidance and risk reduction are the possible mitigation strategies but relative cost effectiveness of risk avoidance, through changing structure, is the best option for managing the situation. Boehm, B., Lane, J., Koolmanojwong, S., and Tuner, R. (2014). The incremental commitment spiral model: Principles and practices for successful systems and software. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gone With The Wind paper 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Gone With The Wind paper 5 - Essay Example Thus, copyright law though protects originality and creativity of the authors, gives room for rewrites by providing exemptions under which they are not entitled to infringement.However, this has also created a room for copyright conflicts and other related issues. Numerous copyright issues have dominated the debate scene prompting the question as to what should be considered fair use and what should not. One notable copyright battle was between Gone With The Wind (GWTW) and The Wind DoneGone (TWDG). In this case, the author, Randall rewrote the GWTW by retelling the story through a slave’s perspective. This encompasses writing back to society and power, which has a rich contribution to the society. Nevertheless, the conflict here was whether TWDG violated copyright laws by copying GWTW. Through evaluation of free speech, fair use, parody and satire, it is clear that TWDG did not cause infringement of copyright laws. The infringement law allows rewrites based satire and parody. As a result, there was no infringement in the case of GWTW and TWDG since the rewrite was based on satire. Nevertheless, when solving the conflict, other concepts such as free speech and its application also came up. Thus, it is essential to understand how fair use, parody and satire, and free speech apply in rewrite cases. ... This marked the beginning of a long-term battle on TWDG’s infringement of copyright laws with regard to the rewrite of GWTW. Nevertheless, what arose from this case is that fair use sets the legal framework that accommodates both commercial and creative decisions. In analyzing a literary work or any other thing for fair use, there are four factors that play a key role in the determination of fair use. According to Netanel in Making Sense of Fair Use, these are provisions of Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act (Making Sense of fair Use 715). The first factor deals with character and purpose of the uses, for example, it considers whether the use is for nonprofit educational or for commercial nature purposes. The second factor provides for the nature of the work copyrighted. The third factor looks at the work copyrighted as a whole and determines the substantiality and amount of the portion used with respect to the entire work. Finally, the fourth factor provided for b y the US Copyright Act under Section 107 looks at the impact of the rewrite on the potential market, and how the copyrighted work is valued. Beebe notes that the four factors are a test that must be applied in every case to determine fair use, and there is no bright line rule that can determine the issue of fair use (558). The major goal of fair use is to provide a flexible approach of determining and making a decision as to whether fair use applies in a particular case. The major concern is whether the use of the original work that is copyright protected is fair or not. In addition, the fair use doctrine does not base its arguments on equity, but is rather a creature of the common law courts. Furthermore, in the application of fair use, the secondary user’s motives are generally

Monday, July 22, 2019

White soul system designs Essay Example for Free

White soul system designs Essay 1 Analysis 1. 1 Introduction White Soul System Designs is a small computer store that designs and makes many of its own systems and products. It is situated on Queen Street in the centre of Neath. Many people swear by White Soul products and go to the store for any product they wish to purchase or repairs their computers need. Manu people in Neath use this store because the prices of products are guarantied to be the lowest you can find, and the repair system, no fix no fee is very popular. At present only two full time staff members work there. The owner Mr. Adam Williams and his only member of staff Mr.John Edwards. The store is open form 9am 5pm every weekday. On Saturdays it is open from 10am 6pm and on Sundays it is closed all day. Only having two members of staff working eight hours a day, six days a week is very difficult. With increasing numbers of customers Mr. Edwards and Mr. Williams are under pressure to get every ones orders and files in order. Not having a computer system means Mr. Edwards and Mr. Williams have to file all the store customers and stock records manually. This manual system means mistakes are made and customer satisfaction is lowered. This undoubtedly means a loss in profits. This made Mr. Williams think that like their computer systems, they should be up to date. He is currently looking for a new system and approached me to ask my opinions. Not knowing the best solution for the store off the top of my head I decided to observer the current system and speak to the Mr. Williams and a regular customer and get their opinions of how they would like the store to change. 1. 2 Problem Definition The problem with White Souls current system is that it is a manual system with two members of staff. Every thing is done manually and because of this mistakes are made. All customer records and stock orders are stored in filing cabinets in alphabetical order. Lately due to the manual system many customer records have been misfiled. This is a huge problem because if for example Mrs. Abraham went into the store to purchase a new item, one of the members of staff would look under A for Abraham in the filing cabinet. If the customer record had been put into another file by mistake a new customer record would have to be created. This then means the customer proving where they live when a letter and proving they identity with a passport or birth certificate. As you can imagine customers would not be very impressed with this and profits may suffer. Stock records can also be misplaced. This may lead to the staff members thinking they had ordered new stock but to have it never arrive. This is a problem when a customer has specifically requested that item of stock and has to find out that it will not be delivered till the next stock delivery. This again causes customer dissatisfaction and in the long run a loss of prophets. Sometimes, because stock numbers have been mixed up because of bad filing the store gets stock that it didnt mean or want to order. This is a cut straight out of their prophets, as they have to pay for it because they ordered it, even if they didnt mean to. 1. 3 Objectives After a few brief chats with Mr. Williams, he explained to me that the whole objective of this new system was to keep up with the times. He then went onto explain how the current system worked. Adding a Customer If a customer wants to become a member of the store and get special offers and discounts on certain products an application form must be filled in. To become a member more then one form of identification is required and to confirm their address a letter or a bank statement is needed. After the customer identity and address is confirmed an application form will be filled out and filed. Data requirements   Name Surname and forename of the customerAddress Address the customer is occupying   Postcode Area code of the address Date of birth Date the customer was born Phone number Number on which we can contact the customer   Credit Card Number ID issued by the bank uniquely given to the customer Documents used Customer application form (see appendix A1) Problems Some customers have poor handwriting or just handwriting that the staff members struggle to read. This may lead to miss filing or even a mistake made with the customer details. Also a lot of the time customers are not carrying any item that may prove their identity or are not carrying a letter to prove their address. No members may be added to the files with out first proving their identity and address so they have to return home to get these items before they can become members of the store. Searching for and viewing a customer For a special in store discount customers are offered a chance to become a member of the store. Their records are stored in alphabetical order in a filing cabinet. If a customer wants to use this discount their file must be found. One of the members of staff will look in the filing cabinet for the customers file. All customers records are stored in alphabetical order in our files. To look for that customer we get their last name and search the file that corresponds with the first letter of their second name E. g. Charles Powel We would look in the P file Michael Roberts We would look in the R file Bethan Langdon We would look in the L file When the second name has been found we resort to using their first names, we do this because in some cases there will be more than one Powel, Roberts or Langdon. If there are two identical names in the files we have to look at each and match the address, this is the last resort. Data requirements   Customer name The customers surname and forename   Customer address The customers home address Problems A manual filing system is used. All customer records are kept in a filing cabinet that both members of staff have access to. They are stored in alphabetical order using the customers surname. If a customer record was filed under a wrong name it would appear lost or it may seem to the staff that that customer has never completed an application form. This means a new form would have to be filled in and the customers identity would have to be proven again. This lowers customer satisfaction and creates problems for the two members of staff. Amending a customers details If a customer is to move house or to change their telephone number their membership must be updated. Once their file has been searched for and found the new customer information can be added. Data requirements   Name Surname and forename of the customer   Address Address the customer is occupying Postcode Area code of the address Date of birth Date the customer was born. Phone number Number on which we can contact the customer Credit Card Number ID issued by the bank uniquely given to the customer Documents used Customer application form (see appendix A1) Problems Tippex is used to erase the current details before the new details are added. This makes the form look messy and it may become hard to read. And when written over the tippex or writing may smudge and make the form look a complete mess. Again a lot of the time customers are not carrying any item that may prove their identity or are not carrying a letter to prove their address. No members may be added to the files with out first proving their identity and address so they have to return home to get these items before they can become members of the store. Deleting a customer If a customer wishes to no longer be a member with our store their file may be deleted. Again identity is required for this transaction to take place. After the customer is searched for and found it may be discarded. Data requirements   Customer name The customers surname and forename   Customer address The customers home address Problems Once a customer has been deleted from our files we have no contact with them. This means any warrantees are void and the customer cannot claim money back or an exchange of item once they have been deleted from our files. And once again if a customer wants his or her file to be discarded they have to prove their identity. Many customers may not carry identity around with them but this is required. Identity is required to ensure that no files are wrongly discarded. Adding a Stock it em When a new stock item is purchased and arrives at the store, immediately a record of the stock is made. Data requirements   Number Unique stock number given to that item only   Title Name or title of the stock item. Description Description of what the stock item is   Price Price of the stock   Status Status of the stock: Available Unavailable Discontinued Documents used Stock data form (see appendix A1) Problems When a stock data form is filled in it can some times become a mess due to ad handwriting or coffee stains after a long days work. This may make it hard to read. Searching for a stock name If a customer wants to purchase a certain item of stock the stock record must be found from the stock file to see if that stock item is available and to make sure that it is the correct item the customer wished to purchase. Stock number the unique number given to this item Problems Stock items are filed using their stock number, not their name. This is a problem because there is no name order so each record must be checked, and refilled if it is the wrong item. Searching for a stock ID If the customer has gone through the trouble of finding the stock ID or the members of staff know the stock ID from the name a stock ID search can be made. This is much less trouble as the stock items are filed by their stock numbers and each stock number is unique so there can be no matches. Data Requirements * Stock Number A unique stock number given by a member of staff. Problems Not every one knows the stock number so a name search may have to be made. Also if a stock record is out of place then it may be difficult to find it. Amending stock status It is important that each day the stock is checked. Once the stock has been checked the stock records must be modified to show weather the stock is Available, Unavailable or Discontinued. Data requirements   Stock Name The name of the stock item   Stock Number The unique stock number given to this item Problems Tippex is used to erase the current details before the new details are added. This makes the form look messy and it may become hard to read. And when written over the tippex or writing may smudge and make the form look a complete mess. Amending stock details Once an item of stock has been entered into a file it is sometimes necessary to edit the properties of the stock, for example if a sale occurred the stock price would be altered or if a mistake was made when first entering the stock it may be amended. Data requirements   Number Unique stock number given to that item only   Title Name or title of the stock item   Description Description of what the stock item is   Price Price of the stock   Status Status of the stock: Available Unavailable Discontinued.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Network Media Information Technology Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Network Media Information Technology Essay Im a student of IADCS accessed by NCC Education at Myanma Computer Company in Yangon. Ive to study four core subjects and four elective subjects. In Enterprise Networking Assignment, we have to do handing over and sit exam to achieve that diploma. This assignment is intended to develop some of the heart features of the network and communication to point up the theoretical and practical understanding of the tools and techniques connected with enterprise networking. The tasks in this assignment can be more explored in categorize to acquire advantage of the additional sophisticated features of the network such as telephone system, two-way communications and network topologies. Acknowledgement Firstly I would similar to be grateful NCC Education for improving computer knowledge by preparing this assignment. Thanks also to my lecturer, U AUNG ZAW MYINT for his excellent management in a practiced effect. And also, special gratitude to my colleagues with their support made this assignment successfully. Finally, I wish to widen a deepest thanks to my parents who confident me to come to an end this assignment effectively. Task 1 How the topologies oerate In networking terms, topology refers not only to the physical layout of its computers, cables, and other resources, but also to how those components communicate with each other. A networks topology has a significant effect on its performance and growth potential. There is another terms that fit into topology scheme are Ethernet and token ring, these are sometimes referred to as LAN topologies. The media access method Ethernet uses in a shared-media environment (a logical bus). Token ring networks have a physical star topology but function as a logical ring. All network designs today are based on three simple physical topologies: bus, ring, and star. Bus network topology consists of a series of computers connected along a single cable segment. If this cable fails, the entire network crashes. Fig 1-1 Bus Network Topology Computers connected to form a loop create a ring topology network. A typical single-ring network fail if one computer in the ring fails, but a dual-ring network can operate around any such failure. Fig 1-2 Ring Network Topology A star network topology describes computers connected by cable segments to a central connection point (hub). Star topology doesnt specify how signals should travel from computer to computer, only that cables connect computers to a central device. Fig 1-3 Star Network topology Advantages and disadvantages of network media Media Types Advantages Disadvantages UTP (Twisted pair cable) least expensive, easy to install, widely available and widely use can over only a limited distance, susceptible to interference STP (Twisted pair cable) reduced crosstalk, limit the effects of external interference more resistant to EMI than Thinnet or UTP more expensive than UTP difficult to work with, can over only a limited distance, more fragile than UTP cables Coaxial Cable less susceptible to EMI interference than other types of copper media Less bandwidth than fiber Installation expenses are lofty, Difficult to work with, is not supported for some network standards (eg. Token ring), more susceptible than fiber optic cable Fiber- optic cable is not susceptible to EMI resistant to interference as any media can get, can transmit through longer distance The most expensive form of cabling, expensive to install , difficult to terminate Recommendation I want to recommend setting star network and twisted pair cable (UTP) for the following reasons. Star topology is the relative ease of troubleshooting because all computers connect at a central location; an administrator can quickly and easily isolate network problems involving a single device or cable segment without affecting other devices. Twisted pair (UTP) cable is the common use for star network topology. In UTP cabling, category 5 (cat5), category 5e (cat 5e), category 6 (cat 6) are by far the most popular types. UTP is particularly prone to crosstalk. It is used for telephone system and two-way communication. UTP is common in most office buildings and other work environments. Task 2 Task-2 Internet services The internet services provide for Communication, Information and File transmission all around the world. The following appliance are the most commonly use for internet services. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) -responsible for transferring e-mail. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) -use for file transfer and manipulation services Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) -use to transfer Web pages from a Web server to a Web browser. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)- use to access linked documents on the World Wide Web that are located on a secure server. Post Office Protocol (POP3): specifies how e-mail clients can identify itself to the server and request that mail messages be made available to the user. Connection speeds The connection speeds that are suitable for the above services are as follows: Services Speeds Information 100 Kbps Communication 28 Kbps(mail) Video conferencing just 384 Kbps File transmission over 1 Mbps Examples of ISP in our country Myanmar Post and Telecommunication ( Myanmar Post and Telecommunication offers a variety of access services from dial-up connection (low speed, low cost) like Internet Dial-Up Account or Pre-paid Access Kit to different kind of Broadband Services (high speed, additional voice options) like Broadband Wireless, ADSL or IPSTAR. Depending on your locality, your current telephone line connection, your budget and your requirements, Myanmar Post and Telecommunication can advice you which Access Service will suit you best. To adapt the Access Services even more to your personal wishes you can choose out of different user plans for each service. Recommendation By any way, we have to choose Myanmar Post and Telecommunication because it is not only the only ISP in Myanmar but also a Government Association. It aims that To rapidly build up the market by taking advantage of high capacity satellite and broadband wireless technologies To ensure network flexibility supporting multiple service type ranging from basic voice to advanced multimedia streaming. To provide complete communication service to anybody, anywhere in Myanmar by achieving 100% network converge nationwide. Task 3 Task- 3 Method for Two-way voice communication A full-duplex is data transmission in both two directions at the same time. Land-line is a good example of full-duplex communication in a telephone networks since they allow both directions of callers to speak and be heard in the same time. Examples: Telephone, Mobile Phone, etc. A half-duplex system supports the communication for two directions, but only one caller can speak at a time. If one caller transmits the signal, another caller must wait for the transmitter to stop transmitting. Antennas are of one of the type of trans-receiver that transmit and receive. Examples: walkie-talkie style two-way radio. DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) DECT is not only used mostly in house/miniature office systems but also accessible in various PBX systems used medium and enterprise businesses. This system can be utilized for cordless phones. Voice applications are usually common nowadays. Data applications be, but have been covered by Wi-Fi. 3G cellular (WCDMA) is absolutely full with both DECT and Wi-Fi for not only voice but also data. DECT operates on different frequencies: 1880MHz, 1900MHz, 1910MHz, 1920MHz, and 1930MHz. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) GSM has been continually improved to offer platforms that distribute broad range of mobile services. Where the industry started voice calling, there is a powerful platform able to mobile broadband and multimedia services. Its system is now utilized for 219 countries and more than three billion people are using it. GSM is the industry standard for mobile voice and data. GSM is one of the cellular technologies that used to transmit the signal and data services. GSM activates on four different frequencies; 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1900MHzs. This phone system uses transmission of digital and there is a maximum power output of 2W. Legal Requirements In our country, MPT (Myanmar Post and Telecommunication) supports mobile communications plan and agree to DECT (Digital Enhance Cordless Telecommunication) technology. Allocation of frequencies for two-way voice communication In the radio-telephone system, there was one central antenna tower per city, and perhaps 25 channels existing on that tower. This central antenna meant that the phone needed a powerful transmitter big enough to transmit 40 or 50 miles (about 70 km). It means that not many people will use radio telephones there just were not enough channels. The brilliance of the cellular system is the division of a city into small cells. This allows extensive frequency reuse across a city, so that millions of people can use cell phones simultaneously. There are different frequencies operate with the Federal Communication Commission use in DECT and cordless phones. 43-50MHz (base: 43.72-46.97MHz, Handset: 48.76-49.99MHz allocated in 1986 fir 10 channels, and later 25 channels, FM system) 1.7MHz (1.64MHz up to 5 channels, AM system) 900MHz (902-928 MHz, allocated in 1990) 1920-1930MHz (DECT Cordless Phone) 1.9 GHz (DECT Phone Standard) 5.8  GHz (allocated in 2003 due to crowding on the 2.4  GHz band). 2.4GHz (recently MPT allow) Licensing Requirements for two-way voice communication As Newtown Fire Department is one of the Government Association, it will not need licenses for communication. In our nation, Myanmar, the national radio communications controller Ministry of Defense control the reunion of radio frequencies. Radio frequency licenses are not usually issued free of charge and the cost of the license can be different greatly depending on country and type of usage. Operating within FCC rules and conventions is the liability of the actual end user. The FCC can fine organization up to $10,000 per day for failure to comply with the rules and conventions! Licensing is an essential piece of the conundrum, and as vital as any other detail when renting 2-way radios. operate on channels with a bandwidth of 12.5 KHz or less (narrowband) disappointment to comply 1,2031 deadline may result in annulment of license must be capable of operating in 6.25 KHz mode activate on 25 KHz channels Costs of setting up and operating system Handsets Type of Description Costs KIRK 7010 Handset Includes battery, excludes charger and power supply à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 250,00 KIRK 2010 Handset, EU Version Includes battery, charger, power supply, belt clip and belt clip connector à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 92,00 KIRK 4040 Handset Includes battery, excludes charger and power supply à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 274,00 Handset accessories Power Supplies Type of Description Costs Power Supply EU for KIRK 5020, 5040, 6020, 6040, 7010, 7020, 7040 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 15,00 Power Supply EU for KIRK 4020, 4040, 4080 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 10,00 Handset accessories USB Cables Type of Description Costs USB Cable for KIRK 5020, 5040, 6020, 6040, 7010, 7020, 7040 handset chargers à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 15,00 Handset accessories Chargers Type of Description Costs Charger for KIRK 4020, 4040 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 15,00 Charger for KIRK 4080 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 31,00 Charger for KIRK 5020, 5040 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 15,00 Handset accessories Safety Lines Connectors Type of Description Costs Safety Line with Connector for KIRK 4020, 4040, 4080 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 15,00 Safety Line Connector for KIRK 4020, 4040, 4080 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 2,00Licensing Type of Description Costs KWS600v3 Multi Cell License à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 206,00 KWS6000 User License, up to 30 users à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 0,00 KWS6000 User License, up to 150 users à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 736,00 KWS6000 User License, up to 500 users à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 1.656,00 Services Type of Description Costs Premier Service, One Year, KIRK 2010, 4020, 4040, 5020,5040 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 18,00 Premier Service, Three Years, KIRK 2010, 4020, 4040, 5020, 5040 handsets à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 42,00 Premier Service, One Year, KIRK 4080 handset à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 48,00 Premier Service, Three Years, KIRK 4080 handset à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 116,00 Limitation of each method Limitations of DECT By using large varies of base stations to support building, it communicate with public telecoms network. 32 Kbit/s of net bit rate, that low for data communication. With good range (up to 200 meter insides and 6 kilometre spending directional antenna outsides, data rates of approximately 500 Kbit/s. DECT emerged one time to be a better unusual to Wi-Fi. DECT activates in 1880-1900  MHz band and defines 10 channels. Each base station framework offers 12 duplex communication channels with one time fit occupying any of channels. Interference-free wireless operation to approximately 100 meters outdoors. Operates clearly in common crowded domestic radio traffic situations. For example, generally resistant to intervention from Wi-Fi systems or video dispatchers, Bluetooth equipment, baby monitors and other wireless devices. Limitations of GSM Data transfer rates will reach up to 171 kbps with General Packet Radio Service which not only splits the mobile call into packets but also allows each phone to use several channels. Technical limitations force a set of maximum cell site range of 35 km of GSM Data speeds up to 9.6 Kbit/s are available. Wavelength: 10 Meter and above, frequency range: 890-915MHz (mobile transmit) and 935-960MHz (base transmit). External Interference: There is another transmitter outside the network such as TV transmission, Railway Station frequency, and microwave links. Recommendation I want to recommend setting DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) for two-way voice communication for the following effects: Several handsets can be use in each base station and each phone line socket. This let several cordless telephones to put in the region of house, all in action with the same telephone jack. There are a battery charger stations in the add handsets instead of a base station. The extra handsets do not need extra telephone sockets or extra transceivers. Capability to make internal (intercom) calls between handsets. Broaden series talk-time, sometimes available to 24 hours. Matrimonial cordless telephone, employing a solo base station to attach one or more handsets to the civic telecoms net, which is now accessible. Civic access, employing large numbers of base stations to offer elevate ability construction or inner-city area treatment as part of civic telecoms net. Unlike the GSM  standards, does not identify any internal facets of the preset network itself. Connectivity to the preset network which might be of a lot of separate types is made through a base station to come to an end the radio link, and a gateway to attach calls to the preset network. Task 4 Task-4 Telephone System available in our country Telephone system is one of the important parts of requirements for Fire Department. Satellite phone are required for a serious incident such as a major terrorist attack or war and then line phone and PBX system are needed. For this department, four line phones are needed at least and four satellite phones for Chief Fire Officer and three watch officer. For each firefighter, the extensions of line cordless phones are required to call form the center via two way voice communication. Line Phone A telephone line is a single-user circuit on a telephone communication system. These refers to the physical wire or other signaling medium connecting the users telephone apparatus to the telecommunications network, and usually also implies a single telephone number for billing purposes reserved for that user. There must be wires to connect with line phone. These wires connect with Local exchange via trunk lines. These wires were generally copper, although aluminum has also been used, and were carried in balanced pairs separated by about 25 cm (10) on poles above the ground, and later as twisted pair cables. Nowadays, modern lines may run underground, and may carry analog or digital signals to the exchange, or may have a device that converts the analog signal to digital for transmission on a carrier system. Moreover there are connecting with jacks RJ11 jack for the departments and homes. Private branch exchange (PBX) system PBX is also an exchange system for telephone. This exchange will serves for Fire Department to communicate easily and cheaply within the Department. It makes connections among the internal phones and then connects them to PSTN (public switched telephone network) by using trunk lines because there is incorporation with phones, fax machines, modems, and more. The extension is used to communicate with each other. The PBXs advantage was cheap for internal phone calls Now PBX became popularity and it started the services such as hunt groups, call forwarding, and extension dialing etc. The advantages when using the VOIP PBX system: Free internal calls Allow virtual incoming numbers to breaking long distance barriers and virtual call centers on anywhere. Easy and quick implementation within the existing PBX infrastructure can be gained with inexpensive Analogue Telephony Adapters that will convert signals from your existing mostly analogue phone lines into VoIP extension. Disadvantages: Dependent on internet connection damageable in the case of power outages for emergency calls, the system cannot be used a) The main equipment that are needed for Fire Department The system components for PBX station are the following. Cabinets, vaults, closets Another housings Wires for interconnection The PBXs switching network. Microcomputer that use for data processing and control. Many cards such as Logic, switching and control, power and Related equipments for PBX operation. Phone Handsets and stations called lines. Telco trunks to communicate public phone network at the outside. The operator is allowed by switchboard to control incoming call. For electricity, High performance UPS (Uninterruptible power supply) b) The features of PBX system The following are main features in PBX system. To dial other extensions To dial outside lines To make an enquiry call to another extension whist connected to an external call To transfer the external call to the extension where an enquiry call had just been made c) Cost of equipments and installation Equipments Costs Installation Costs For each Line Phones, Fire Department will pay $1,600 and PXB installation is $ 2,000. The services charges are estimating $ 800. So totally amount, four line phones and PBX station and services charges are almost $ 9,200. d) Costs of Operating for monthly No. Type of Description Prices 1 2 3 4 Phone Bill for four lines and extensions monthly PBX Operator Salary Bill services for phone company PBX equipment maintenance services $ 350 $ 200 $ 25 $ 75 Total Amount $ 650 Recommendation For Fire Department, telephone system is one of the important parts of requirements. Line phone and PBX system are needed. And then, satellite phone are required for a serious incident such as a major terrorist attack or war. For this department, four line phones are needed at least and four satellite phones for Chief Fire Officer and three watch officer. For each firefighter, the extensions of line cordless phones are required to call form the center via two way voice communication. Task 5 Task-5 If the Newtown has no electrical power or fixed telephone lines being broken, there should be an emergency using of appliance. We can use not only mobiles, walkie-talkies, and satellite phones but also generators which has the voltage of over 6600kva. Satellite Communication Satellite communication can be extremely useful for the users who are situated in vastly remote areas, and cannot access a broadband connection. Satellite receivers on the ground consist of satellite telephones, mobile reception, direct-to-home (DTH) satellite equipment, equipment in aircraft and handheld devices. Two-way voice communications are available. Data rates: 64 Kbit/s. The satellites provide a relay link to the home land earth station from the mobile terminal. Mobiles communications (GSM) Two-way voice communications are available. Can transmit 10 meter and above. Frequency range: 890-915MHz (mobile transmit) and 935-960MHz (base transmit). It is ideal for emergency services and all kinds of personal communications. Walkie-talkies Two-way voice communications are available. Hand-held transceivers can use to communicate between each other, or to vehicle-mounted or support stations. Maximum range is around 2 miles (3kilometers). Frequency range: 49 MHz band (shared with cordless phones, baby monitors, and similar devices) as well as the 900 MHz band.. Task 6 Task-6 Report for Fire Department To Mr. STER BERD November 14, 2010 (Chief Officer, Fire Department) Newtown, Green Road, No. 1111 B. From Ms. KHIN SANDAR PHYO KHINE (Network Engineer) Network Department, Red Links Company Pyay Road Report Title : Recommendation from the view of network engineers for Fire Department The Fire Department has been restructured and is opening a new headquarters building in the Newtown. I have to demonstrate an understanding of the network requirements for a new headquarters including a computer network, telephone system and two-way voice communications with staff on call in fire engines and fire department cars. Firstly, I think star topology is suitable for network design. Because star topology can be management easily and locate problem easily and then it is more expand than Bus and Ring topology. Moreover, in my opinion, I think UTP is more able to use for star topology. Due to cheap, easy installation and widely available and widely use. Secondly, I suggested about the internet connection requirements for the Fire Department. Our age became the age of internet. For Fire Department, it is needed to know the information of fire and to be contact easily. Therefore, I described Internet services, required connection speed and Internet services providers (ISPs) and its prices for requirements. And I said the methods could implement for two way voice communication. There are two kinds of it such as full duplex and half duplex. I had estimated of cost for setting up and operation system including licensing costs and equipment costs. I suggested the limitation of each system. Moreover, I explain the telephone systems available in our country for single-site organization like Fire Department. In the section, I explain the line phone, PBX for extension and satellite phone. The main equipments, features, costs and costs operation the system are explained. In this section, if there is an event of a serious incident such as a major terrorist attack or war, I suggested how can work the operation of Newtown having no electrical power and fixed telephone lines being broken. Sincerely, KHIN SANDAR PHYO KHINE KHIN SANDAR PHYO KHINE (Network Engineer)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cyclic Nature Of Language English Language Essay

Cyclic Nature Of Language English Language Essay This task comes under the prescribed Part 1 Language and Cultural context. The topic I have chosen is Cyclic nature of language. This topic is related to the Part 1 of English as it deals with change of the English Language which influences all the cultures throughout the world since the beginning of time. Language in itself has been evolving over the centuries. I have gone about this task in such a way that it shows the difference in the way of communication (through language) since the beginning of time to the language that has come to be in the present day. It shows the evolution of communication from gestures to emergence of language to change in language itself and then back to gestures and visual representations. This change is shown through examples like (change in form of asking someone to keep quiet) shhh à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ hist à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢could you please remain silent? à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Keep quiet à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ shut up à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢shhh à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ :-X. The aim of this task is to bring out the possibility of the claim that language is cyclic in nature. This is also a personal opinion hence I have chosen a blog form to express myself freely while using an informal approach. Also this enables me to put across my opinion among a varied range of audience who might be able to access this when in the form of blog. The blog helps my text to be conveyed in a generic form and audience as intended. Language came into existence in order for humans to communicate. This can be said for any form of language. It began from grunts, sign language and gestures in the 6000BC and evolved into the defined universal form of language which we speak in the present day. We still speak in gestures, only along with language too. After all actions speak louder than words. When angry we still wave our hands about or make offensive gestures, when happy a smile is intact on our face, when we feel compassionate we hug, kiss or embrace, when despising someone we either glare or make a face.  [1]  To communicate or send a message across we usually end up gesturing rather than only use words. According to me gestures are a way better means of expression or communication than words of a language as it is more universal, innate and natural. Not all gestures have evolved over the years like language has. Some gestures come naturally to everyone. If worried or deep in thought one involuntarily frowns. However lately it is seen language is deteriorating quite in the literal sense. Here is an example to show the deterioration of language over the past few centuries- Dost thou feel melancholic? (18th century) Is it sad that you feel? (19th century) Are you unhappy? (20th century) R u Ã…’? (21st century) Above is a simple example of how the language has evolved over the past centuries with the meaning still intact. Yes, a chap from the 19th century will only be able to guess at the most, what the emoticon  Ã…’ conveys. If anything, he will be surprised at the lack of words used when enquiring after someones well being. Whereas, a 21st century dude will only ever use words like thou and melancholic as a joke. It is quite evident how inappropriate using either kind of language in either century would be. Linguists and literature lovers cringe over the language used today. Authors from the earlier centuries might roll in their graves at the new meanings of same words used earlier. However evolution of language is inevitable and necessary too. Whether for the good or the bad, it differs from person to person depending on their perception. On one hand a literature lover might revel in the fancy and articulate language used earlier and despise the brief and hasty way the language has turned into in the present day. On the other hand, a 21st century, text savvy teenager might appreciate the usage of language in the earlier centuries and consider it a part of the lush history of literature but will be more comfortable using the abbreviated form of language these days. Also it is very important to note that the changes noted in the form of communication are in the form of letters in the olden days and texts now a days. Earlier, communication was slow and less frequent. Yet it was important and more efficient for the letters to be long and expressive. Whereas in the present day not only communication is extremely quick and efficient, meeting someone is also very easy. Hence in the era where texting and video calling is possible and it is almost like communicating with the person face to face, one doesnt feel the need to be overly expressive and long. Being brief does the task. Earlier it might be considered rude to be curt and short but now being long in your sentences in informal communication (where being short is perfectly fine) might make you look like a literary snob. In a way it is quite efficient as, even though the sentences are short it gets the point through. Either way it is seen how sentences have become shorter, words abbreviated, certain words for emotions all together turned into emoticons, gestures conveyed through words turned into visual gestures, tone conveyed by exclamations. Example Thou à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢you à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢u Sad  Ã…’ I love you I à ¢Ã¢â€ž ¢Ã‚ ¥ U What? ?!!!! It is obvious from the above to the extent to which language is literally deteriorating. One could claim how language is cyclic in nature. It started from grunts and gestures and went through the phase of development of language to emergence of different languages and then evolution of words in language to abbreviation to conversion of words into visual gestures altogether. Are we going back in time? Are we becoming barbaric and unrefined? Does it matter? Does it matter that the English language is deteriorating? Because is not the primal use of a language to communicate? If the other person understands what you are trying to say to the same extent that you mean it, then does it actually matter how language changes? Moreover, I think when you personalize it, it defines you more, gives what you are saying more meaning if anything. My opinion is my own and it is not my intention to offend anybody whose opinion differs from mine. Yes I still acknowledge the fact that it is important to speak right if not, change of language would not mean evolution but just mere slothfulness and ignorance of one to learn a language properly. If that were to be entertained, not a single person would understand another without a manual on their own kind of language. Yet an efficient and meaningful change should not be dismissed simply but acknowledged and embraced as the time changes too.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Racial Differences Essay -- Racism Personal Narrative Papers

Racial Differences "CHINK!!!! Yeah..that's right†¦look at us with those chinky eyes! Go back to where you belong!" Those words will forever ring in my ears. I was standing in line for lunch while talking to a friend while a couple of boys, fourth and fifth graders, were making fun of the only Asian girl in the school, me, a lonely kindergartener. I will never forget that moment when I realized that I was different. Growing up in a predominantly white community, I had never thought of the issue of race as a child. My neighbor and I were best friends, and I never thought of myself as different. She had blonde hair; I had black. She had blue eyes; I had dark brown. We loved to play with the same things, thus we were friends. It was that simple. But on that day in elementary school, my world came apart, and I will never forget it. I was different, and I didn't know why. After those boys said that to me, I just stared in shock and got my lunch. I acted as though they had said nothing, and I was probably fortunate, considering the horrible things young boys can do. But when I went home, I cried. Why were people making fun of me? I didn't even understand what "chink" meant. It was only the motion they made by stretching their eyes that made me understand. I hadn't realized that I was different from everyone else. At home I spoke Chinese and watched some Chinese movies, but I did not think that m ade me different. I was still a person, a human being. Did it matter that I spoke Chinese and had black hair and dark brown eyes? Apparently to some people it did matter. Every day I went to school with white children and went home to a Chinese family. For other people this was a line, a distinction that set me apart ... ...h group celebrates the stereotype that society has imposed on them, and instead of celebrating individuality; they celebrate the sameness of race. Living amongst white people I was initially teased because of my race, but I was more often liked and accepted for who I am. Living amongst Chinese people, I was initially accepted because of my race,but not liked for who I am. I am an American-born Chinese. These two sides make me. Without either one, I am not complete. When I walk down the street, I can never hide the fact that I am Chinese. I cannot change my Asian features. When I talk to people and voice my opinion, I am American. Yet I do not fit completely into both sides. I am different and proud to be so. Race does not define me; I define myself. I hope for the time when we stop focusing on race and can all embrace our differences and celebrate them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Theme of Self Esteem in Othello Essay -- Essays Papers

The Theme of Self Esteem in Othello For the theater-going people of the Elizabethan age, there were many hardships. Many of them experienced poor living conditions and treatment. All of them faced the dangers of a comparatively underdeveloped medical knowledge which often left the young and elderly to die of common diseases. The magic of Shakespeare is not only that historians can learn of otherwise undocumented details of the 1500's, but also that all readers can discover the many similarities between Shakespeare's day and now. These similarities reside heavily not only in speech, but also the human condition. When compared with the people we know today, Shakespeare's characters exhibit only skin-deep differences. Some identical language expressions may owe their modern existance to Shakespeare's presence in literary education, but identical emotional reactions surely cannot stem solely from the lecture hall. The English inhabitants of the 16th century, as seen through William Shakespeare's eyes, experienced the same love, hate, and jealousy that we do today. Just as our modern films and music often include implied moral lessons, so too does Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice. All its primary characters and themes of unstable love and exploitation culminate into one simple message about the key importance of loving oneself. Iago, the villian of the tale, is responsible for initiating most of the turbulence found in the plot. Essentially, Iago chooses two insecure individuals on which to work his exploitation: Roderigo and Othello. Othello, arguably the main character of the play, is Iago's primary pawn. Roderigo becomes a secondary card in Iago's deck, as well as his source of money. Blinded by his lo... ...ny sort of hardships such as financial difficulties or emotional manipulation just like that exercised against Othello and Desdemona. Even today, similar messages about self empowerment are widely seen in popular novels, films, and television programs. Contemporary examples include Harry Potter, "28 Days", "Sesame Street", and many others. One can almost imagine an unwealthy villager emerging from lengthy stay in a packed theatre making a firm resolve to finally regain the strength to sever ties to an untrustworthy and treacherous acquaintance. Works Cited Myers, David G. Psychology, 6th Edition. Holland, Michigan: Worth Publishers, 2001. Dolezal, Timothy William. Moor Impotency: Othello's Powerlessness in Sexual and Social Relationships. 14 Dec. 1998. University of Notre Dame. 23 June 2003 <>. The Theme of Self Esteem in Othello Essay -- Essays Papers The Theme of Self Esteem in Othello For the theater-going people of the Elizabethan age, there were many hardships. Many of them experienced poor living conditions and treatment. All of them faced the dangers of a comparatively underdeveloped medical knowledge which often left the young and elderly to die of common diseases. The magic of Shakespeare is not only that historians can learn of otherwise undocumented details of the 1500's, but also that all readers can discover the many similarities between Shakespeare's day and now. These similarities reside heavily not only in speech, but also the human condition. When compared with the people we know today, Shakespeare's characters exhibit only skin-deep differences. Some identical language expressions may owe their modern existance to Shakespeare's presence in literary education, but identical emotional reactions surely cannot stem solely from the lecture hall. The English inhabitants of the 16th century, as seen through William Shakespeare's eyes, experienced the same love, hate, and jealousy that we do today. Just as our modern films and music often include implied moral lessons, so too does Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice. All its primary characters and themes of unstable love and exploitation culminate into one simple message about the key importance of loving oneself. Iago, the villian of the tale, is responsible for initiating most of the turbulence found in the plot. Essentially, Iago chooses two insecure individuals on which to work his exploitation: Roderigo and Othello. Othello, arguably the main character of the play, is Iago's primary pawn. Roderigo becomes a secondary card in Iago's deck, as well as his source of money. Blinded by his lo... ...ny sort of hardships such as financial difficulties or emotional manipulation just like that exercised against Othello and Desdemona. Even today, similar messages about self empowerment are widely seen in popular novels, films, and television programs. Contemporary examples include Harry Potter, "28 Days", "Sesame Street", and many others. One can almost imagine an unwealthy villager emerging from lengthy stay in a packed theatre making a firm resolve to finally regain the strength to sever ties to an untrustworthy and treacherous acquaintance. Works Cited Myers, David G. Psychology, 6th Edition. Holland, Michigan: Worth Publishers, 2001. Dolezal, Timothy William. Moor Impotency: Othello's Powerlessness in Sexual and Social Relationships. 14 Dec. 1998. University of Notre Dame. 23 June 2003 <>.